Classification: The dog breeds Kooikerhondje, Papillon and Brittany are all part of the Spaniel dog family.
Point: MOD above
Proof: Kooikerhondje, Papillon and Britanny are dogs bred to become Gun Dogs also known as Spaniels
Allusion: Appaloosa are great creatures and have as many spots as the 101 dalmatians.
Point: Appaloosas have many spots
Proof: MOD above
Process Analysis: Training a puppy or dog can be very hard and tedious, but with the right steps it can prove to be a very easy task. The first steps you should take is make time for short training sessions everyday. Scheduling sessions before a meal will be more effective as food/dog snacks are used to lure the puppy into listening to you. Offer treats after your dog has completed the things you wanted him/her to do and correct them if your dog has done something wrong. Using verbal communication and hand motions will always help, as the dog will be more focused on you. Lastly keep at it until your dog follows your command, due to the fact that he/she will not learn it in one day. Be consistent and if you persevere for long enough your dog will be trained in no time flat.
Point: Training a dog can be hard, but if you know the right steps it can be accomplished easily
Proof: MOD above
Cause and Effect: If one is allergic to pet fur and has a dog living within their home, the pet fur can aggravate their lungs and this will then become trigger that causes asthma.
Point: Pet hair can cause asthma if it is a persons "trigger"
Proof: According to the West Virginia Asthma Protection and Prevention Program pet fur may become a cause of asthma in a persons life if they have an allergy to pet fur.
Specific Example: Dogs can be helpful in many ways and can also serve humans in many ways. For example certain dogs help people who are crippled by guiding them wherever they need to go and are called service dogs.
Point: Dogs can be very helpful
Proof: MOD above
Comparison: Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds have some very similar characteristics. Both dogs are same in terms of their shape, size and muscle compositions. Both dogs are known to be very intelligent and learn tricks at a relatively fast rate. They are loyal as well and will be very obedient most of the time which makes it easier for you to groom them. They are also similar in terms of their energy levels and their will to play. Both dogs will be a great addition to the family.
Point: Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds are very similar.
Proof: MOD above
Just Dog Breeds. Papillon. 2011. Photograph. Just Dog Breeds
Dog Wallpapers Album. Brittany Dog Breed Photos. N.d. Photograph. Dog Wallpapers Album
Puppyer. kooikerhondje. 2011. Photograph. Puppyer
Ashley Nicole. The Appaloosa. 2012. Photograph. Hubpages
Marco. Basic Puppy Training, The Ultimate Dos And Donts Guide. N.d. Photograph. Dog training
Shedpal. People Allergic to Dogs are Sensitive to the Pet Dander, Not Shedding Hair. 2011. Photograph. Shed Pal Reviews
Service Dog Training. 2010. Photograph. Service Dog Training
Labrador Retrievers. The Biggest Labrador Retriever. 2012. Photograph. Labrador Retrievers
Dog Pile. German Shepherd pictures. N.d. Photograph. Dog Pile
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